Brynn Domsky


Golden-brown leaves flicker between each gust

of biting winds that desecrate and rust

their sun-kissed skin and moonlit eyes,

tongues that melt those sugar-sweet lies.

Their brittle bones break with bittersweet cracks,

eyes falling shut as their bodies relax,

and everything’s gone, and everything’s cold.

The houses collapsed, the children were sold

to fanged shadows with cold eyes of tar,

who drink their tears, and watch from afar

As the outside flips right-side in,

the children grow sallow and thin,

our home is not home,

we are left to roam

the starving abyss within.

Brynn Domsky began writing and dancing at ten years old. He has written eight novels, three novellas, and hundreds of short stories. He loves ballet, contemporary, tap, and hip hop. Aside from having his books published someday, Brynn wants to be a professor, and will pursue a doctorate after graduation.