Extinction Event. No Formaldehyde in the House.

Sto Voden

My new discovery,
They should put you in a book,
Such a valuable case-study.
After putting glass to every inch and every frame,
Studying every moment in every game,
Just thin enough, pressed down flat, body lame
And bugwing fragile into pages beside a Latin name.

A name so important that no one else knows it,
So you can be said in any language You’ll never learn.
Scientific findings need to be put down in ink. I’ll shut the facts in a book.
One month’s work done on recovered bodies—

I’ve already taken you apart atom by atom.

My spine-cracked mass market.
Scalpel finesse as if my hands never shake, Just a minor surgery.
The atoms have been remade I’ve finally done it,
in the image of my rib. My newest creation!

Cage broken open, I couldn’t find any bloody sheen.
Under brightest headlights so every feature can be seen,
The stuffed toy stands at the museum in the wild diorama scene,
And walks out through the glass door gift shop sight unseen.
Get a little souvenir of me.

What an exciting new discovery, what a strange new creature
Found in my new world.

Sto Voden spends her time drawing, writing, and coming up with strange characters to put in strange situations.